Ways we can help

We offer a set of pioneering initiatives to increase the use of computational thinking (CT) for problem-solving at all levels and in all sectors. This includes ready-made courses and materials for professionals—with or without a technical education—colleges, schools and students. We are also the foremost organization for advising policymakers and governments on reform of educational systems and building new curricula to empower the next generation with computational thinking.

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Industry and government

Inject computational thinking for optimized decision-making at all levels of your organization.

Computational thinking skills can benefit everyone in your organization and prepare them for the AI age. From enabling leaders to use complex, data-based decision-making strategically in their organizations to helping developers choose more effective techniques to analyze and display information, computational thinking provides a foundation of critical skills to help your organization compete in the modern, fast-moving world.


Introduce Wolfram EdTech into your solutions

Make access to CT more equitable. Increase access for a broad range of learners whatever their ability and to a wide range of ages with Wolfram cloud-based solutions.

EdTech home page
Example projects
  • Add intelligent Wolfram-ChatGPT personal tutoring, available 24/7 to all learners.
  • Introduce the intelligent understanding of responses and autograding of assignments.
  • Add a computational environment to your learning platform.

Analyzing your CT needs

We can review your current workflows and identify opportunities for CT-based skills using new LLM-based techniques to improve efficiency. Partner with Wolfram technical consulting to improve your computational data science solutions.

Example projects
  • Engineering: Analyze oil pipeline accidents over time to develop better prevention policies.
  • Management: Analyze office operations to improve effectiveness.
  • Energy production: Extract high-dimensional data to develop plans for future infrastructure.
  • Resourcing: Plan effective staffing to cope with peak demands.

New CT course development

We can build custom self-study modules designed specifically to meet the needs of your organization. Tailored for both technical and non-technical audiences.

Example projects
  • How can you develop real-time process-control systems to modernize traditional quality control practices?
  • How do you analyze models of catastrophe to better allocate losses for insurance claims?
  • How do you visualize and analyze company data to make decision-making less risky?
  • How can you automate the processing of images to identify diseases, faults, security risks?

Ready-made CT courses

We can supply industry-based problem-solving modules to transform the capabilities of your workforce. Tailored for both technical and non-technical audiences.

Example outcomes
  • Understanding how to read technical information.
  • Assessing the importance of assumptions in modeling real-world problems.
  • Accessing, analyzing and interpreting large data sources.
  • Data-based decision-making.
  • Understanding modern quantitative problem-solving approaches.

Hybrid CT and Wolfram technology training

We can provide the technical skills training needed to apply computational thinking throughout your organization using Wolfram technology.

Example projects
  • Training course providers to demonstrate easy ways to begin integrating CT into your own training courses.
  • Training the technical team to integrate the core technologies relied upon by CT into your organization's infrastructure.